Whenever you upload data on a web hosting server, it takes a certain amount of storage space on the hard disk depending on its particular overall size. In case you operate a script-driven website which stores its data in a database, it will require more space, the more people make use of it. For instance, if you have a discussion board, the greater amount of opinions people write, the larger the database shall get. E-mails, in particular ones using attachments, also need some space in the website hosting account. The HDD space quota that you will get with each shared website hosting provider is the overall amount of info you may have at any moment, and this consists of web site files, emails as well as databases. Similarly, a computer has a hdd and the software programs installed on it together with all documents or music files that you generate or download require storage space, which can't exceed the overall capacity of the hard drive.

Disk Space in Shared Website Hosting

By using our shared website hosting plans, you'll never worry about hard disk storage. While most companies create accounts using just a single server and at some point all the server hdd space will be used, we have implemented a cloud website hosting platform where the files, e-mails as well as the databases are handled by independent groups of servers. This way, each and every machine functions better since just one kind of processes is functioning on it, plus the disk space is virtually limitless because we will always attach additional servers or hard disks to the cluster, based on whether we'd like more processing power or extra storage space. You'll never come across a position when you are unable to upload more files as there is no free hdd space on the server, that is something you may experience with other providers. If you use our website hosting services, you can rest assured that insufficient space will not be a problem for the growth of your sites.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With our semi-dedicated server packages, the hard disk storage feature is unlimited, so that you're able to center on creating your sites the way you like and never be worried about getting to some restriction. Unlike the majority of hosting suppliers that set up your accounts on a single server, we use a custom cloud platform, that allows us to supply truly limitless hdd storage for each and every account. With just a single machine, there're only so many HDDs which can be used, not mentioning that the most widespread hosting Control Panels are not meant to function with more than one server at the same time. Our platform, in contrast, makes use of clusters of servers for the web site databases, files and emails, and our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel was created to work with it. We are able to connect as many servers to all of the clusters as required at any time, so the hard disk space is virtually limitless.

Disk Space in VPS Web Hosting

All of our Linux VPS web hosting include a large volume of hdd space to fulfill your needs and never restrict the development of your sites. Certainly, if you would like to manage just a single resource-demanding website or a number of smaller-sized sites, you'll need extra power altogether, which means that the superior the VPS package, the more hdd storage you will have. Switching between the plans is a breeze and the additional space will be added to your existing account without moving any content or stopping/restarting your server, so if you reach the space limit of your existing package, you can upgrade with a couple of clicks in your billing section. Since we provide several website hosting Control Panels for our virtual private servers, you will have two options for your disk space management - by using Hepsia, all of the websites will share the overall server storage space, while using DirectAdmin and cPanel you're able to create distinct accounts for your domain names and create a quota for every account.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting

With all the disk storage that we offer with our Linux dedicated hosting services, we warrant that you'll be able to manage any kind of site irrespective of its volume. You will get at least 500 GB storage, that you can use the way you see fit - even for private file depository. As standard, you'll have two hard disks, that can be employed on their own, so as to make use of their overall storage space, or they can be connected in RAID and one will be a copy the other in real time to warrant that you won't waste precious data in case of a hardware failure. We also give you the option to include additional HDDs and increase the entire hard disk storage available even further. This allows you to create a file or image depository portal without a problem if you would like. Thanks to the cPanel and DirectAdmin hosting Control Panels that we offer, you'll be able to make an independent account for each and every website that you host on the server and pre-define an allowance for the storage space it will be allowed to use. If you pick the 3rd solution, our in-house made Hepsia Control Panel, all the domain names will be operated in a single and they'll share the whole server hard disk storage.