If you ever encounter a problem with your site and are incapable of coping with it on your own, ask the respective web hosting provider’s customer service staff to help you get the website back online. A prompt solution would be the most optimal scenario, but a lot of hosting companies respond within 24 hours and even more, all the more so if you are doing business with a hosting reseller. Even if the problem can be solved swiftly, your site may not function correctly or it may not be available whatsoever for a long period, so you may lose potential clients as it is quite unlikely that anyone would be inclined to go back to a website that’s out of order. That’s why, you have to make certain not only that you can touch base with your web hosting provider, but also that they can answer and assist you in a well-timed manner. If an application update does not proceed smoothly or you delete something by chance, for instance, the website should be fixed swiftly in order to prevent long inaccessibility.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Website Hosting

Our shared website hosting services come with a 1-hour response time guarantee, which implies that irrespective of what question or obstacle you may have, we’ll always be there to lend you a hand. In fact, it rarely takes more than half an hour to get a problem solved or a query answered, and this is valid for both sales and technical matters. Our support team reps will be at your service 24-7, even on weekends and holidays, which implies that you’ll get prompt assistance anytime you need it. We realize exactly how precious time can be, so by the time we respond to your e-mail or trouble ticket, we will have examined the matter and, in case we haven’t resolved it, we will supply you with more information on what you have to do on your end, if the situation demands it. With our support services, you can be certain that there will be somebody to lend you a hand instantly, irrespective of the hour.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you can take advantage of our astoundingly fast support service. You’ll get an answer to any trouble ticket posted through the hosting Control Panel or e-mail sent to our tech and client support staff in no more than one hour. The response time is guaranteed and it applies irrespective of the matter – billing or technical. It often takes substantially less time to investigate and fix a problem. We will provide you with more details if the solution entails something that has to be done on your end. In case you get in touch with us during weekends or official holidays, the response time will be the same and due to the fact that our support team is working 24/7, you will get quick assistance for practically any technical, general or billing issue irrespective of the hour.