What is phpBB?

If you need a discussion board, a place where you can communicate with different people on different matters, then phpBB – the most widely used free bulletin board software app, will be an excellent choice for you.

What phpBB will offer you is a terrific admin console, from where you can manage all the settings of your online forum – you can choose who will be the forum moderators, how the website will look and feel, etc. Another crucial advantage of phpBB is familiarity – lots of individuals already know this software app and as soon as they notice your site, they’ll know what to do.

phpBB is a trademark of phpBB Limited and shares no connection with OzbeySed Hosting.

phpBB–Optimized Cloud Hosting Services

If you are seeking a decent home for your message board, then you have arrived at the right place. At OzbeySed Hosting, we offer phpBB–optimized shared website hosting services solutions that are capable of handling any type of forum.

OzbeySed Hosting’s phpBB–optimized cloud hosting plans are designed to be risk–free. You will take advantage of a 99.9% server uptime, it’s a guarantee. And you’ll get unlimited storage space, unlimited traffic and unlimited MySQL database storage space allocations so that your phpBB–powered bulletin board can grow unrestrictedly. Besides, with all phpBB cloud hosting packages provided by OzbeySed Hosting, you will be offered a free–of–charge domain name and a 24–7–365 customer support service with an average tech support ticket response time of 20 minutes.