What is WordPress?

WordPress certainly is the most popular blogging software on the www, employed by many web sites visited by hundreds of thousands of individuals every single day. It’s an open–source project with a large number of volunteers developing it around the globe. Gradually, WordPress has evolved from a tiny blog setup application to a mature content management platform for setting up many types of web sites.

This top level application is designed with a full site setup platform that you could modify for your distinctive requirements with only a few clicks. A large number of widgets and plugins boost its functionality to the level it can easily be used for every sort of site – from a dog’s homepage to a big enterprise website. Also it happens to be freely available – there’s no obligation to pay any person a license fee.

WordPress is a registered trademark of the WordPress Foundation and shares no connection with OzbeySed Hosting.

WordPress–Optimized Hosting Services with a Point–and–Click Control Panel

Together with OzbeySed Hosting’s WordPress–optimized shared website hosting services solutions, you can have your own personal or online business WordPress site released on the web with simply a click. Simply go for WordPress from the app setup drop–down menu and when we prepare your hosting account, we’ll install WordPress for you. In this way, you can begin working on your web site immediately after the signup procedure is finalized and you won’t need to deal with any sort of technical configuration settings.

Our WordPress–optimized shared website hosting services plans have a drag–and–drop File Manager where your WordPress files are going to be located, a Database Manager for your own databases, and a full–fledged Email Account Manager using which you can manage your emails with just a click of the mouse.