If you are seeking for effective domain name managing possibilities along with distinctive domains registration rates you have visited the right place. Look at our video presentation to look at exactly what OzbeySed Hosting can provide for your domain names.

We supply over 50 different domain name extensions, or TLDs, at cost–effective price points. For the majority of of them, we’ve got a special contract along with the body, in charge of that TLD, allowing us to offer suprisingly low domain name registration rates. Moreover, since we are in special contact with the domain registrar, all changes you will be making for your domain names will propagate throughout the world much more quickly.

For the purpose of domain management, we’ve created a unique domain administration tool – OzbeySed Hosting’s Domain Name Manager. It’s an crucial piece of OzbeySed Hosting’s Web Site Control Panel and it helps you to gracefully control quite a few domain names at the same time. It is additionally filled with handy tools, such as a domain name redirection tool, a GeoIP redirection service and others. And since the Domain Manager belongs to the Control Panel, when you have your web site hosted along with us, you can manage both your domain names and then your sites from the very same place, without the need for any extra panels.

In the event you operate a web store, or if you mean to basically create an extra safety degree for your website, we have got just the thing for you – SSL Services. You can aquire an SSL certificate right from the Control Panel and now we will also handle the installation immediately for one’s websites. You no longer require to visit 3rd party companies after which battle with the SSL certificate installation and setup.

As a possible supplemental secureness level for your domain names, we present you with a Domain WHOIS Privacy Protection solution. Using the Whois Privacy Protection service, we will cover your own personal info from the domain name’s Whois. This enormously lessens the odds for cyber theft and it also decreases the number of spam emails you will get in the Whois–associated address.
