Our PHP Framework Installer was made to help you install complete PHP frameworks for your web site, with absolutely no setup on your end. You don’t need to search for the most up–to–date build of a framework for your undertaking and spend hours on downloading it and setting it up. Now you have got every instrument available to you right in your Web Site Control Panel, presented in an easy to use interface.

Many different frameworks on hand

Kick–start your online enterprise by using a framework

There are lots of PHP frameworks online which are competing to provide the finest platform for your web sites. OzbeySed Hosting’s PHP Framework Installer features probably the most popular and trusted PHP frameworks: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

Each of these frameworks could very well be set up with a click of the mouse and is modified to the most current stable version continuously.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework setting up

Your PHP framework is just a click away

The installation of a PHP framework can be tough and complex, considering that you should make sure you dig up the newest stable edition as well as have capabilities to configure it all by yourself. With our PHP Framework Installer, we strive to fix this issue. The Installer enables you to install a full PHP framework in just a moment, with no additional setup needed.

We’ve tried to shorten the set up procedure as much as possible. All you should do is notify the Installer precisely where you need your PHP framework to be set up and the intelligent system will do everything else.

1-click PHP framework installation