In the OzbeySed Hosting control panel you’ll discover an easy to use site generation tool that you can use to produce a new, stunning site on your own. It’s really simple and easy to follow, even if you are not technologically versed. The builder features a lot of design themes available in numerous color set–ups that you can change to your taste. Plus, your website will look perfect on any device!

The site generation tool is offered with all shared website hosting services, Linux VPS web hosting, Linux semi-dedicated services, and Linux dedicated hosting services packages which come with the OzbeySed Hosting Web Site Control Panel.

An intuitive site generation tool

No programming background is necessary

The site generation tool incorporated into the OzbeySed Hosting dashboard is very user friendly. It permits you to make your own site with plain point–n–click movements. You do not have to comprehend HTML or any other programming language. If you’ve already used a web application or even a text editor, then you will know how to work with the site generation tool.

From its editor, you can experiment with page components as you like and personalize them with just a click. Also, you could add images, videos, and even your own forum, etc. within seconds.

Easy-to-use Site Builder

A collection of easy–to–redesign website themes

Super cool site templates that look superb across tablets and phones

With the site generation tool, you’ll have access to a collection of free–of–charge site designs for all manner of sites like personal pages, e–shops, discussion boards, and so on.

Each site theme comes in a variety of layout schemes and offers lots of color setups. Additionally, you’ll have access to a large set of ready–made images and will have the option to cherry–pick from over 100 different fonts for your website. Every theme is optimized for mobile devices. If you wish to replace a chosen site theme, you will be able to do that within seconds. All of the pages and edits you have completed will remain intact.

A collection of easy–to–redesign website themes